1. The first step is to login to PayPal. 2. Next, you will be in your account. 3. Next, click on Merchant Services. 4. Next, click on Buy Now Button. 5. Okay you will see a title called Create PayPal payment button up at the top. 6. In step 1: choose your button type which is "Buy Now" 7. Next, which is Item name, this is where you are going to put in the title of each of your jewelry. 8. Next, put in the shipping cost and then the tax rate 7.0% 9. Then, be sure to click on your primary email address, so you will be able to get the shipping address of your customers. 10. Next, click on step 2 11. Be sure that Save button at PayPal is checked. 12. Be sure to check Track inventory. 13. Next, is By item ID 14. In the Item ID field type in 1 or something else you would like, it should not matter. Be sure each Item ID has a different number or name, it can not be the same, in the qty. in stock type in 1 because you only have one of each you create. 15. Can customer buy an item when it is sold out? Select "NO" 16. Okay, now that you have your website online. I would go ahead and complete the next three fields. One will say,"Take customers to specific page when they click Continue shopping button on item sold out page. Type is your website address like this for an example: http://madewithlovejewelrybyjpatterson.webege.com/ Be sure to type in http:// first then your web address be sure to add / at the end too just like it's shown above. 17. Step 3 18. Do you want to let your customer change order quantities? Say "NO" 19. Can your customer add special instructions? Say "NO" 20. Do you need your customer's shipping address? Say "Yes" 21. Take customer to this URL when they cancel their checkout? Type in http://madewithlovejewelrybyjpatterson.webege.com/ 22. Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout? http://madewithlovejewelrybyjpatterson.webege.com/ 23. Then it should have a button "Save Changes" or "Create button" check on that. 24. PayPal should take you to My Account and below you will see "Website" tab open. 25. Click on "Select Code" this will highlight all the code for that one button for that one item. 26. Right click mouse and select "Copy" 27. Next leave the PayPal page open. Right next to the PayPal tab up at the top there is a plus button tab which will open another window, press it. 28. This will open a second window. Go to your email account and login. 29. Compose a email and type in my email address which is mwcolver2@gmail.com 30. Paste the code and send it to me. You must repeat this step for all of your buttons. I hope this makes since. If not please email me or call PayPal at 1-888-221-1161